How long will it be before our learners are immersed in rich learning experiences?
Yes, we do need to build relationships and get to know our learnersYes, we do need to set up our routines
Yes, we do need to teach new activities so our learners can work independently and successfully
Yes, this will look different at different year levels
So how do we ensure we are doing these important things and getting rich authentic learning up and running early in the school year?
My thoughts are to consider
- Knowing your learner. What do I already know about these learners? (academic and personal knowledge) How can I quickly find out more? Will I find out more throughout this learning experience?
- Prior Knowledge. What do my learners already know that will help them to make connections within and beyond this learning experience? How can I find this out? How will I give my learners the opportunity to share their prior knowledge?
- Learner motivation and engagement. How will I inspire my learners to become actively engaged and take ownership of this learning experience? How will I incorporate choice into this learning experience?
- Scaffolding. What will I need to do to ensure this learning experience is accessible to all the learners in my class? This may involve the structure of the lesson (i.e. working in pairs), resources, technology and my deliberate acts of teaching (i.e. modelling and think alouds).
- Key concepts and Vocabulary. How will I ensure that all my learners understand the key concepts and vocabulary within this learning experience? What strategies will we use when learners do not understand?
- Opportunities to learn. How will I provide multiple and varied opportunities for my learners to engage with and practise the key learning in this experience?
A great resource available to help with setting up reading programmes is Teaching reading comprehension by Dr Alison Davis. Click the images to find out more.
These kits are a fabulous addition to your classroom reading programme too.
And one for writing is Effective Writing Instruction by Dr Alison Davis