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Podcast Interview - Connect Inform Support

Hi  I had the privilege of being interviewed for the Connect Inform Support programme on Free FM. The blurb says "A show created and...

Sunday, 25 August 2019


An excerpt from a leadership session I have recently led - drawing on coaching skills and role play to support challenging situations.

Monday, 26 November 2018

Impact of PLD leadership on teachers and learners

It is the term for review - In many schools we are reviewing what we set out to achieve, what we did, how we went and where to next.  As part of this process I work collabortively with leaders to collect and collate many sources of information to inform our review.

I have used ideaboardz to capture the learning stories from teachers.  http://www.ideaboardz.com/

This site has the option of setting questions.  The responses are collected as sticky notes.  Participants then have the option to vote for the ideas they like.  We use this voting system for teachers to show their agreement with someone else's idea.  This means I can tell whether one person thinks this is the case or many.

The following three images show an example of what this could look like when capturing the learning of your leaders, teachers and learners.  We asked teachers three questions and collated their responses as part of the data used to inform our review.  This was cross referenced with informal observations, student voice, leader voice and student data.  The next step is to include community voice.

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Feedback from teachers and leaders

After recent work on feedback with teachers and leaders.  I reflected on the feedback I receive in this role and whether I capture this and can refer back to it.

A lot of my feedback is oral and disappears over time... I usually respond to feedback straight away but am wondering if I would benefit from revisiting my feedback over time.

So I looked for and revisted some of my feedback... it is exciting to see the positive changes and growth.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Working in schools as a facilitator

I was reflecting on my work in schools.  I am booked into schools every day during the week and each day is different.

An example week

Monday - whole day coaching Across and Within School teachers in a Kaahui Ako - Agenda includes  active listening, inspirational leadership, the power of the language we use, actions to build trust relationships, supporting colleagues with planning, supporting colleagues with inquiry and exploring transition.

Tuesday - whole day collaborating with Across Community of Learning leaders to review our learning journey and plan for sustainability.  construct a draft communication plan and plan for induction of new leaders.

Wednesday - working in blocks with teachers in pairs and a senior leader.  Coaching through inquiry discussions and moderation of teacher practice and learner achievement against NZ Curriculum levels using Ministry of Education documentation.

Thursday - Timetabled blocks of time for one on one teaching inquiry coaching with classroom teachers.  Review actions and learning this year.  What has worked, for whom and why?  What is a challenge or sticky point in teacher practice that could be developed into inquiry for 2019?

Friday - Blocks of time for collaborative planning with teachers in a small group.  Planning focussed on curriculum focus aligned with school strategic goal and the needs of priority learners.  How will we effectively teach to meet the holistic needs of these learners?

Another week could look different again...

This is exciting and varied work that refines my expertise for leading the learning in schools.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

The Power of a Pat on the Back

I have facilitated a great positive feedback activity a few times now.  It is called a Pat on the Back.

I give the group of teachers or leaders that I am coaching  two or three post it notes.

They write positive feedback on the note and pat it on the back of a colleague.

We then read and reflect on the feedback.

The rules mean you need to make sure everyone receives at least two or three pats on the back.

These are my recent Pats on the Back from this activity.  This feedback was fabulous to receive and everyone needs this specific, personal and positive feedback.

Monday, 10 September 2018

Leadership Strategy and Capability Framework

Developing leadership in education is essential for effective schools.  Having a Leadership Strategy and a Capability Framework is a positive move towards building leadership capability throughout the education sector.  Deliberate develop of leaders is important. 

Click the image/ link below to find the Leadership Strategy and Capability Framework.


Saturday, 14 July 2018

Building Professional Relationships

The relationships and connections we build and develop as education leaders is an essential component to improving outcomes for students.  Understanding our learners wholistically, knowing who and what is important to them and the environment they are immersed in enables us to truly understand and know our learners. This allows teachers to facilitate learning opportunities that connect with our learners and take them to new learning. Student, teacher, leader, school and Kāhui Ako connections with individuals, communities and professions allows for multiple new learning possibilities.

This lovely thank you card exemplifies many of the powerful education connections I develop in my work.  I am very lucky to be able to build these relationships nationawide in my current role. We are all resources for one another.

Accelerating Achievement

The focus for my work is to accelerate achievement and in particular for learners who have traditionally been underserved by our school system.   Working in a variety education environments that face complex challenges, requires a blend of researched and innovative approaches to address this.   Knowing what works and for whom is extremely important.  Using research (about what works and for whom) within teaching inquiry to develop and refine teaching that stimulates accelerated achievement in a specific context, for specific learners is essential.

This is an excerpt of data analysis in a school I have been working in. We are all thrilled with the change in achievement data.

There is a lot of good information available to help teachers, leaders, schools and Kāhui Ako to raise achievement.   The example below is from an ERO report in 2015 RAISING STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT THROUGH TARGETED ACTIONS.

Click to read this report

Friday, 15 June 2018


What emotions does the word change evoke in you?

 Exploring the concept of change in schools has led me to think about the ways that we react to change, the purpose for change and the conditions for effective change.

Some research I have explored is:

Kotter and Schlesinger’s 2008 article “Choosing Strategies for Change”

Reflective questions
  • What does change look like in your school or Kāhui Ako?
  • How do you choose what needs to change and when?
  • What methods do you use to implement and sustain change for improvement?

Coaching and Mentoring

I am been having many conversations about coaching and mentoring lately.  These are two words that are frequently used together.  What is the difference between these terms?  How do they relate to each other?  And most importantly, how can coaching/mentoring help leaders, teachers and learners?



Some of the research I have explored around coaching and mentoring is shared below

Reflective questions

Is there a clear understanding of the differences between coaching and mentoring in the school/Kāhui Ako?
What training has been offered to teachers relating to coaching? How many teachers have been included in this? What models of coaching were promoted through the training? 
How is coaching led and managed? What key roles are there? Is there a reporting structure?  What does this involve?

Friday, 23 March 2018

Podcast Interview - Connect Inform Support

Hi I had the privilege of being interviewed for the Connect Inform Support programme on Free FM.

The blurb says
"A show created and hosted by Parent to Parent – the not-for-profit organisation supporting families and whanau of babies, children, teens and adults with any type of disability or health impairment. The show focuses on services and help available and also discusses issues and news of interest and importance to those families."

This is the link to listen online or to download the file to listen later.

Friday, 21 April 2017

Does using digital technology improve student outcomes?

Digital technology use in schools is an interesting topic of discussion.  

Students on the whole enjoy using technology.  They do feel frustrated by technology that doesn't work or by limited access to technology. 

There are parents who want their children to learn about and use technology in schools yet there are also many who see the use of technology in schools as more screen time, an obstruction to learning and believe their children should be taught mainly without technology use.

There are teachers who embrace technology in the classroom with eagerness and enthusiasm yet there are also many teachers who struggle to utilise technology effectively as they feel challenged by their own lack of knowledge and skill.

Resourcing technology can be a challenge for many schools.  How do we address equity issues?  Is BYOD a practical answer?  As technology needs to be replaced so often, is the cost worth the benefits?

The Ministry of Education in New Zealand will fully integrate digital technology into the New Zealand Curriculum by 2018.  

"Formally integrating digital technology into the curriculum is intended to support young people to develop skills, confidence and interest in digital technologies and lead them to opportunities across the IT sector." 


So the question is

Does using digital technology improve student outcomes?

John Hattie’s 2009 research finding for computer enhanced learning
In 2009, Professor John Hattie identified computer assisted instruction as having a .37 effect size when looking across 76 meta-analyses involving 4,498 studies on computer assisted instruction.  This was part of a synthesis of over 800 meta-analysis relating to learning and achievement (Visible Learning) which ranked 139 influences on learning.  Hattie (2009) used the average effect size of .40 as the “hinge point” to determine the success of influences on achievement supporting the claim that with an effect size of .37 computer enhanced learning is less effective than other learning strategies (Waack, n.d.).
It is important to note that Hattie (2009) identified variability across the meta-analyses and that the term ‘computer’ covers various meanings and implementations.  The Visible Learning study highlighted that many of the studies compared classroom teaching with and without computers rather than students learning in different ways using computers.  The analysis emphasised that within the wide range of studies focussed on using computers in the classroom, effective use occurs when teaching strategies are diverse, there is support and training before implementation, opportunities are provided for students to practice, students are in control of their learning, optimal peer learning is utilised and feedback is optimised.  This analysis supports Hattie’s assertion that while computers can increase the probability of learning, there is no necessary relation between using computers and learning outcomes.

Measuring the impact of one-to-one laptop use in literacy for primary age students
Researchers in the studies referenced below used a range of data to consider the impact of one to one laptop use including student achievement data, student and teacher surveys (including information on access and usage) and classroom observations.  When analysing achievement data, many studies (Bebell, & Kay, 2010; Lowther, Inan, Strahl, & Ross, 2012; Shapley, Sheehan, Maloney, & Caranikas-Walker, 2011; Zheng, Warschauer, & Farkas, 2013) explained that when assessing student achievement through standardised tests, there is moderate positive shift as a result of implementing one-to-one laptops.  Many of these studies (Cavanaugh, Dawson, & Ritzhaupt, 2011; Lowther, et.al., 2012; Shapley, et. Al., 2011; Warschauer, M., & Matuchniak, T. 2010; Zheng, et. al., 2013) have raised the question of whether the skills and knowledge gained from using one-to-one laptops is measurable through standardised testing as 21st Century skills involve creativity, innovation, collaboration, adaptability, self direction, social skills and responsibility which are currently not well represented within traditional school assessment.  Sources of data other than achievement data identify that by using one-to-one laptops, students gain technical expertise and behavioural challenges are reduced with the conclusion that while these findings have not improved standardised testing results, they have a positive effect on the classroom and future academic and career prospects (Shapley, et. Al., 2011).  Positive classroom behaviour, use of student-centred teaching strategies (e.g. student inquiry and lessons that directly support the development of critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity), and more frequent laptop use for active learning resulted in stronger engagement in learning (Lowther, et.al., 2012; Shapley, et. Al., 2011;). 

When considering the impact of one-to-one laptops on students with disabilities, studies by Cowley, (2013) and Corn, Tagsold, & Argueta, (2012) identified that laptop use levelled the playing field for students with disabilities by increasing access to the curriculum, improved assessment methods, allowing the students to receive immediate feedback, promoting positive social interaction, enhancing organisation, enabling them to practice the curriculum at their level and increasing their capability and confidence of successfully completing the task.

Writing is a curriculum focus that has shown achievement gains using one-to-one laptops (Jesson, McNaughton, & Wilson, 2015; Zheng, et. al., 2013; Zheng, Warschauer, Lin, & Chang, 2016).  Student and teacher surveys and interviews from these studies identified that students using laptops were engaged, developed a better understanding of why and how to write for a specific audience and learnt to take responsibility for their own learning.  Warschauer, Zheng, Niiya, Cotten, & Farkas, (2014) highlight the benefit of laptops when writing for at risk learners who used the laptops more often than their peers and for a variety of learning purposes, practising their communication skills through online writing and discussion. Of particular interest, in a study by Bebell, & Kay (2010) was the finding that students completing a written essay assessment on their computers wrote longer and scored higher compared to students responding to the same prompt using pen and paper.

One study that reported positive impact on reading (Rosen, & Beck-Hill, 2012), implemented a constructivist technology enriched programme (one-to-one) where it was noted the experimental group were observed providing independent learning, intellectual challenge, teacher modelling, instructional adjustment and feedback considerably more often than the control group.  Rosen and Beck-Hill (2012) assert that this programme significantly increased learning achievement and provided differentiated instruction where there was increased teacher-student interaction, a range of teaching models, frequent and complex examples of differentiation, more student collaboration and higher student engagement than in more traditional classrooms.

Comparing recent research to John Hattie’s 2009 research finding
When considering John Hattie’s Visible Learning (2009) research finding, it is interesting to note that his updated 2015 effect size for computer assisted instruction is now .45 and above the “hinge point” of .40 identified in his 2009 work.  This indicates that computer assisted instruction is now seen as a stronger influence on achievement than in 2009.

The meta-analysis and research synthesis focused on learning in one-to-one laptop environments by Zheng, et. al., (2016) emphasised that current research on this topic is not doing a good job of assessing student outcomes that are not well captured by current standardised testing.  Zheng, et. al. (2016) identified almost all of the 70 studies reported increased academic achievement yet some also highlighted that technology alone could not change pedagogy.  They further identified that use of laptops make certain outcomes likely (e.g. drafting, editing and sharing writing).  These assertions support my belief in which substituting paper and pen with a laptop does not automatically equate to changed or enhanced learning experiences yet if teachers change the way they construct lessons and support learners, laptops can be a catalyst for 21st century learning.

So yes I do believe digital technology can improve student outcomes when accompanied by teacher practice that provides effective instruction.  This is where there is increased teacher-student interaction, a range of teaching models, frequent and complex examples of differentiation, more student collaboration and higher student engagement.  Digital technology use is effective for learning where teaching strategies are diverse, there is support and training before digital implementation, opportunities are provided for students to practice, students are in control of their learning, optimal peer learning is utilised and feedback is optimised.

21st Century skills involve creativity, innovation, collaboration, adaptability, self direction, social skills and responsibility which are currently not well represented within traditional school assessments yet the effective use of digital technology in classrooms will allow learners to develop and refine these skills.

The questions we now need to explore are:

How do we support our whanau and community to understand and value the use of digital technology in our classrooms?

How do we support our teachers to further develop their own skills in using digital technology effectively in the classroom?

How do we address issues of equity and access to digital technology?


Bebell, D., & Kay, R. (2010). One to one computing: A summary of the quantitative results from the Berkshire Wireless Learning Initiative. The Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment, 9(2).

Cavanaugh, C., Dawson, K., & Ritzhaupt, A. (2011). An evaluation of the conditions, processes, and consequences of laptop computing in K-12 classrooms. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 45(3), 359-378.

Corn, J., Tagsold, J. T., & Argueta, R. (2012). Students with special needs and 1: 1 computing: a teacher's perspective. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 12(4), 217-223.

Cowley, B. J. (2013). The Effects of One-to-One Computing for Students with Disabilities in an Inclusive Language Arts Class. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway, PO Box 1346, Ann Arbor, MI 48106.

Hattie, J. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. Routledge.

Jesson, R., McNaughton, S., & Wilson, A. (2015). Raising literacy levels using digital learning: A design-based approach in New Zealand. Curriculum Journal, 26(2), 198-223.

Lowther, D. L., Inan, F. A., Strahl, J. D., & Ross, S. M. (2012). Do one-to-one initiatives bridge the way to 21st century knowledge and skills?.   Journal of Educational Computing Research, 46(1), 1-30.

Rosen, Y., & Beck-Hill, D. (2012). Intertwining digital content and a one-to-one laptop environment in teaching and learning: Lessons from the time to know program. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 44(3), 225-241.

Shapley, K., Sheehan, D., Maloney, C., & Caranikas-Walker, F. (2011). Effects of technology immersion on middle school students’ learning opportunities and achievement. The Journal of Educational Research, 104(5), 299-315.

Waack, S. (n.d.). Hattie Ranking: 195 Influences and Effect Sizes Related To Student Achievement. [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://visible-learning.org/hattie-ranking-influences-effect-sizes-learning-achievement/

Warschauer, M., & Matuchniak, T. (2010). New technology and digital worlds: Analyzing evidence of equity in access, use, and outcomes. Review of Research in Education, 34(1), 179-225.

Warschauer, M., Zheng, B., Niiya, M., Cotten, S., & Farkas, G. (2014). Balancing the one-to-one equation: Equity and access in three laptop programs. Equity & Excellence in Education, 47(1), 46-62.

Zheng, B., Warschauer, M., & Farkas, G. (2013). Digital writing and diversity: The effects of school laptop programs on literacy processes and outcomes. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 48(3), 267-299.

Zheng, B., Warschauer, M., Lin, C. H., & Chang, C. (2016). Learning in one-to-one laptop environments: A meta-analysis and research synthesis. Review of Educational Research, 86(4), 1052-1084.

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Community of Learning | Kāhui Ako

Well, it has been an exciting start to the year.  We are working within a new system for professional learning and development and as you would expect, it is taking a little while for everyone to get their heads around what it looks like.  

I have been very interested in the work taking place in the Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako. Working together is valuable and I have always been passionate about teachers and leaders working together as a process for support and development.  We have much to learn together and from each other.  

Co-constructing a way forward takes time and a lot of sharing of ideas.  I get the sense that some communities of learning will reflect in time on decisions they are making now and state how they would do it differently knowing what they know now.  This is the process of learning though and by doing, we will learn and discover what works and what doesn't within our own contexts.  

Shona Smith from the Waitakere Community of Learning explained in the New Zealand Education Gazette: “We are working as a team rather than as islands and we will gradually understand what is possible at each school – we know we can’t do everything!”  

Another interesting aspect of Communities of Learning is the work put into understanding pathways and developing strong transitions.  As secondary and primary schools work together there is great potential to develop our understanding of each others contexts, strengths and challenges.   Jill Farquharson, the lead principal for Auckland Central Community of Schools shared in the New Zealand Education Gazette:  “So we’ve got a far better understanding of what goes on for all the learners in our community, and are better placed to make a seamless pathway for our children,”

I am excited to be working with Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako and look forward to being part of an approach that supports teachers and leaders to work collaboratively across their community.

Click here to read the article about the Waitakere Community of Learning in the New Zealand Education Gazette

Click here to read the article about the Auckland Central Community of Schools in the New Zealand Education Gazette

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Getting Back Into It

I am seeing and hearing the buzz of teachers setting up classrooms and planning the start to the school year.  I love this time of year when we start crossing over from our well-needed break into the beginning of new adventures.  I have a recurring thought in my head as I read the exciting posts of teachers around New Zealand.  I wonder...


How long will it be before our learners are immersed in rich learning experiences?

Yes, we do need to build relationships and get to know our learners
Yes, we do need to set up our routines
Yes, we do need to teach new activities so our learners can work independently and successfully
Yes, this will look different at different year levels

So how do we ensure we are doing these important things and getting rich authentic learning up and running early in the school year?

My thoughts are to consider
  • Knowing your learner.  What do I already know about these learners?  (academic and personal knowledge) How can I quickly find out more?  Will I find out more throughout this learning experience?
  • Prior Knowledge.  What do my learners already know that will help them to make connections within and beyond this learning experience?  How can I find this out?  How will I give my learners the opportunity to share their prior knowledge?
  • Learner motivation and engagement.  How will I inspire my learners to become actively engaged and take ownership of this learning experience?  How will I incorporate choice into this learning experience?
  • Scaffolding.  What will I need to do to ensure this learning experience is accessible to all the learners in my class?  This may involve the structure of the lesson (i.e. working in pairs), resources, technology and my deliberate acts of teaching (i.e. modelling and think alouds).
  • Key concepts and Vocabulary.  How will I ensure that all my learners understand the key concepts and vocabulary within this learning experience?  What strategies will we use when learners do not understand?
  • Opportunities to learn.  How will I provide multiple and varied opportunities for my learners to engage with and practise the key learning in this experience? 
 I think it is important that we use the data provided from the end of last year to set up our reading/ writing programmes.  If you find that there has been a 'summer slump' then getting them back to where they were, quickly, is an urgent priority.

A great resource available to help with setting up reading programmes is Teaching reading comprehension by Dr Alison Davis.  Click the images to find out more.

 These kits are a fabulous addition to your classroom reading programme too.

And one for writing is Effective Writing Instruction by Dr Alison Davis

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Fidget and Sensory Tools

I bought two of my boys a Fidget Cube to test it out before the start of school.

Success!  They both love the Fidget Cube and now I have had to buy my husband one too!

So heading into a new classroom and a new year, many teachers are starting to think about their classroom environment.   My thoughts for preparing a classroom would be to consider Universal Design for Learning.  How does this space meet the needs of all my learners?  Am I giving multiple options within the classroom environment to allow learners to choose the best way for them to learn?  Consider how your classroom environment serves your learners with sensory input and output.  Are there quiet and noisy spaces?  Does the furniture provide sensory input to ground learners and help them concentrate?  What tools could support learning for all?