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Podcast Interview - Connect Inform Support

Hi  I had the privilege of being interviewed for the Connect Inform Support programme on Free FM. The blurb says "A show created and...

Monday, 26 November 2018

Impact of PLD leadership on teachers and learners

It is the term for review - In many schools we are reviewing what we set out to achieve, what we did, how we went and where to next.  As part of this process I work collabortively with leaders to collect and collate many sources of information to inform our review.

I have used ideaboardz to capture the learning stories from teachers.  http://www.ideaboardz.com/

This site has the option of setting questions.  The responses are collected as sticky notes.  Participants then have the option to vote for the ideas they like.  We use this voting system for teachers to show their agreement with someone else's idea.  This means I can tell whether one person thinks this is the case or many.

The following three images show an example of what this could look like when capturing the learning of your leaders, teachers and learners.  We asked teachers three questions and collated their responses as part of the data used to inform our review.  This was cross referenced with informal observations, student voice, leader voice and student data.  The next step is to include community voice.

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Feedback from teachers and leaders

After recent work on feedback with teachers and leaders.  I reflected on the feedback I receive in this role and whether I capture this and can refer back to it.

A lot of my feedback is oral and disappears over time... I usually respond to feedback straight away but am wondering if I would benefit from revisiting my feedback over time.

So I looked for and revisted some of my feedback... it is exciting to see the positive changes and growth.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Working in schools as a facilitator

I was reflecting on my work in schools.  I am booked into schools every day during the week and each day is different.

An example week

Monday - whole day coaching Across and Within School teachers in a Kaahui Ako - Agenda includes  active listening, inspirational leadership, the power of the language we use, actions to build trust relationships, supporting colleagues with planning, supporting colleagues with inquiry and exploring transition.

Tuesday - whole day collaborating with Across Community of Learning leaders to review our learning journey and plan for sustainability.  construct a draft communication plan and plan for induction of new leaders.

Wednesday - working in blocks with teachers in pairs and a senior leader.  Coaching through inquiry discussions and moderation of teacher practice and learner achievement against NZ Curriculum levels using Ministry of Education documentation.

Thursday - Timetabled blocks of time for one on one teaching inquiry coaching with classroom teachers.  Review actions and learning this year.  What has worked, for whom and why?  What is a challenge or sticky point in teacher practice that could be developed into inquiry for 2019?

Friday - Blocks of time for collaborative planning with teachers in a small group.  Planning focussed on curriculum focus aligned with school strategic goal and the needs of priority learners.  How will we effectively teach to meet the holistic needs of these learners?

Another week could look different again...

This is exciting and varied work that refines my expertise for leading the learning in schools.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

The Power of a Pat on the Back

I have facilitated a great positive feedback activity a few times now.  It is called a Pat on the Back.

I give the group of teachers or leaders that I am coaching  two or three post it notes.

They write positive feedback on the note and pat it on the back of a colleague.

We then read and reflect on the feedback.

The rules mean you need to make sure everyone receives at least two or three pats on the back.

These are my recent Pats on the Back from this activity.  This feedback was fabulous to receive and everyone needs this specific, personal and positive feedback.